I talk; you listen. You tell me what's wrong with that!

Saturday, November 22


saw this play on broadway tonight, was fairly engaging, got me out of my normal mode of thinking - so often something like this makes it so painfully clear how limiting my own mind can be, how easily it can reduce the breadth of my daily experience to cruel repetition. I nominate art in its simplest definition to be that which disrupts that tendency, something made often simply because it can be made, unassumingly, and which when seen or encountered serves, simply, no more important function for me than to free me from this pursuit of a quotidien perfection, a dehumanizing robotic existence, streamlined and derept of a plenitude of potential realizations and awakenings - my current reading on nirvana leads me to believe that these instances with and within art are the important breaks that allow us a glimpse of, a chance to observe, our own natures and reassess, reconfigure, reevaluate...