I talk; you listen. You tell me what's wrong with that!

Friday, September 2

Masaru Emoto

Has been photographing crystalline structures formed by freezing different water samples around the world and ones in the presence of different thoughts and feelings. He may be a bit wacky but I am on board with this style of thinking. http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/ephoto.html

Thursday, September 1

I feel like a schoolboy...

Yeah I met this girl in my 260 person Chem lecture who is a freshman and I recounted my experience of taking Chem in high school, from which she had just recently graduated, when I was there... 10 YEARS AGO! All the sudden I am the class clown, cracking jokes with the lab TA, running around with this gray haired mohawk I just had tweaked down on Kenmare. Looking for the cafeteria and computer lab once more... Quite a strange feeling after all this time.