I talk; you listen. You tell me what's wrong with that!

Wednesday, February 16

Were you to consult the Iraqi bush...

Word History: The word opossum takes us back to the earliest days of the American colonies. The settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, was founded in 1607 by the London Company, chartered for the planting of colonies. Even though the first years were difficult, promotional literature was glowing. In one such piece, A True Declaration of the Estate of the Colonie in Virginia,published in 1610, we find this passage: “There are... Apossouns, in shape like to pigges.” This is the first recorded use of opossum, although in a spelling that differs from the one later settled on to reproduce the sound of the Virginia Algonquian word from which our word came. The word opossum and its shortened form possum, first recorded in 1613 in more promotional literature, remind us of a time when the New World was still very new, settlers were few, and the inhabitants for whom the New World was not new were plentiful.

Monday, February 14

Disgraced oil executive dies

Alfred Sirven, a former top executive of French oil company Elf who was jailed for his role in France's biggest-ever corporate graft scandal, has died of a heart attack, aged 77. He was freed from jail last May.
Reuters, Paris

Saturday, February 12

This would be fun to have a doctor sign.

HIV Antibody Test Certificate of Accuracy
Does anyone besides me understand why?