I talk; you listen. You tell me what's wrong with that!

Sunday, April 17

Friend has issue with uncritical enthusiasm; attacks friend.

Yes, it was me. I couldn't help it I guess. Hopefully no hard feelings. We both knew I wouldn't like their stuff but I felt I should share my gut impressions. Have at me in whichever way you would like if needs be; otherwise I await your refutation of my appraisal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Begs the question: what was the stuff which inspired the honesty and subsequent attack? Whatever it is, I think we should either ban or burn it because clearly it incites violence and does not adhere to my moral values.

9/29/2005 7:25 PM

Blogger undererasure said...

there are many things which will incite a man to violence, and not all of 'ems to be banned; though your posting incites a different question: as to who you might be that your particular morals should come 'fore those of another. I do how'ver kindly thank you for your indirect demonstration of support.

9/29/2005 10:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were you being sarcastic- because I was. (You can read this as either: Were you being sarcastic? Because I was. OR alternately: Were you being sarcastic because I was?

9/30/2005 7:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh - I can't keep my monikers straight. Anonymous!! How very virtual.

9/30/2005 7:37 PM


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