I talk; you listen. You tell me what's wrong with that!

Sunday, April 29

yet another dream...

I'm at an Indian restaurant with some people, I dig into my entree, and when I am several bites into it I sense something is not right... is this made of wheat flour? I approach the kitchen staff... "it is? I can't eat it... it's alright, I can't eat it" and I walk away, thinking about how I am going to pay later for that transgression and how I am annoyed that it was not by choice.


Blogger Nero said...

Would you pay for the transgression below, if you'd even consider it one: stealing the pad of paper? I bet that, had the dream continued, you would have found that it was made of wheat gluten or some such substance-interdit. Perhaps it is turmeric that gives it its color?

4/29/2007 9:45 PM

Blogger Nero said...

Any dreams lately?

5/03/2007 10:31 PM


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